Speaker Submission
Speaking at the Mass Gathering Medicine Summit is a great opportunity to continue to build thought leadership by appearing in front of influential event professionals, clinicians, regulators and media.
The Mass Gathering Medicine Summit is the summit and exposition for event medical professionals. Gathering close to 250 participants, the show features exhibitors from across the globe; dual speaker tracks featuring event planning experts, clinicians, and government officials; and impactful networking events..
Supported by event industry and healthcare sponsors, Mass Gathering Medicine Summit attendees have the opportunity to get a closer look at domestic and international trends, new technologies and best practices for emerging techniques.
Discover tips from experts in the industry who provide the most up-to-date information and trends on providing effective healthcare to mass gatherings. To be considered for this prestigious speaking opportunity, submit a proposal today. All submissions are reviewed by a panel on the basis of applicability, summit needs and speaker qualifications. Decisions and selections will begin after the deadline. ​
For more information, please contact info@massgatheringmedicine.org